Retiring But Not Quitting



      Today is my last Sunday to be your preacher.  Sandra and I began our work with you the first of September 2010.  It has now been over ten years that we have served together in doing the Lord’s work here in Ruston.  I firmly believe that it was the Lord’s providence that brought us to Ruston.

At 62 years old I wasn’t sure I would find a place to serve till my retirement, but the Lord provided.  Not only has it been a blessing to be part of this congregation, it afforded Sandra the opportunity to be near her parents in West Monroe.  That was clearly evident when her mother needed her by her side the last few months of her life.  And now we are both needed to provide for the care of her father.

We have many people to thank for the blessings we have received since moving to Ruston.  I have been blessed to serve with some very fine men as elders and deacons.  I will always be grateful to Van Grafton and Jesse Moore, who were the elders at the time I came for trusting me to be the minister this church needed at the time.  While the eldership has changed through the years, the commitment to the word of God has not.  The elders have always encouraged me to preach the truth of the word of God without compromise.  I know they will continue to do so.

We have also been blessed by some outstanding Christian ladies who have sacrificed much to teach bible classes, prepare meals for potlucks and the CSC, and serve in untold ways.  I have also been blessed to work beside some dedicated young men in the work of the CSC.  And I can’t say enough about the dedication of the CSC men and women who have blessed me beyond words.

I am retiring but I am not quitting.  I may not be a full time preacher, but I will find opportunities to preach and serve in a local congregation.  My challenge to each of you is to find a place to serve the Lord as long as you have the health and opportunity to serve.

Thank you for letting us serve the Lord here in Ruston.  We love you and pray for God’s blessings on you all.  Jim and Sandra Davis


Jim Davis