Times and Places

Times and Places

“And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us,”

Acts 17:26-27 ESV

When we sold our first home in Ruston, it was on the market for nine long months. A two week stay with in-laws turned into six months, as we struggled to find a home in Texas. As patience and welcome began to wear out, we eventually turned our eyes back to Louisiana and settled in Haughton in September of 2020 (or so we thought). Seven months later, here we are beginning to work with the church in Ruston!

In total it took fourteen months, four moves, and two new jobs for us to leave, settle, and return to Ruston. Although the journey was an exercise in box packing and frustration, it helped us  arrive at an understanding of the plan God had for us and the work here in Ruston. Acts 17 states that God has determined for every person to be alive in a specific time and to reside within predetermined boundaries that he has set, that “they should seek God”. Our allotted boundary must be the state border, because it seemed like it was going to take an act of God for us to leave Louisiana and find a home in Texas!

God’s providential work in our lives often goes unnoticed in the moment, but if we prayerfully desire for God to lead us and carefully look at our journey, we can often identify previously unnoticed blessings where we were brought through an undesired fire (Zech. 13:9). Jayde and I are convicted that God’s desire was to keep us from going too far so that it would be easier for us to come home to Ruston.

God has placed you in this time and place to draw closer to Him and find Him. Are you seeking Him so that you might find Him? We pray that you will join us as we seek to grow closer to Him every day.

We Love You,

Jonathan and Jayde Long


Jonathan Long