Four Admonitions


      Hebrews 10:19-25 gives four admonitions that help Christians see how committed they are to Christ and His church.  Consider each one and ask yourself… “Am I really committed to Christ?”

Verse 22… let us draw near with a true heart… The basis of that admonition is what is found in verses 19 –21.  We have the opportunity to come into the presence of God because Jesus as our High Priest made it possible.   We should boldly and confidently come into the presence of God by way of prayer, study and worship.  Do we cease each opportunity to draw near to God?

Verse 23… Let us hold fast the confession of our hope…Again, we have the hope of eternal life because Jesus went before us to conquer Satan and provide the way into the presence of God… both now and in eternity.  How strong is your hope?

Verse 24… Let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works… We are on a journey together in this life.  Each of us should have as our personal goals to help as many as we can get to heaven.  Above all, we should strive to encourage and support each other in the family of God that no one be left behind.

Verse 25… Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together…The first three admonitions can be fulfilled in part by this one.  Assembling together is more than going to church out of a sense of duty or obligation.  It is a way of drawing near to God by drawing near to God’s family.  It is a way of confessing our hope because we are supporting others who have that same sense of hope.  It is a way to consider one another in order to stir up love and good works.

Many have dismissed these verses as unnecessary.  Some believe that assembling is not a salvation issue.  But is it?  Each of these admonitions are given for the purpose of building up the body of Christ and our individual faith.  So the question remains…




Jim Davis