Were You There?
The scene at Jerusalem during the hours leading to and during the crucifixion of Jesus reveal that many people were there. Literally there were thousands of people as preparation was being made for the Passover. Have you ever thought about some of the people who were more involved in one way or another? And have you ever thought how some of them may actually represent you and me had we been there too? Take a look at some of those who were there.
PILATE: “I find no fault in Him.” But he gave the order for Jesus to be crucified. He chose to please the people.
SOLDIERS: They scourged Him. They mocked Him. They spit on Him. They put a purple robe on Him. They crowned Him with a crown of thorns. They gave Him a salute and said, “Hale King of the Jews.” They delighted in their cruel treatment of the Son of God.
THE PRIESTS: Their hatred for Jesus was finally realized as they gloated in thinking He was finally going to be silenced. They even mocked Him as He hung on the cross saying, “He saved others; Himself He cannot save.” Sadly they were mistaken.
THE CENTURIAN: Realizing that he and the other soldiers had made a grave mistake was over heard saying… “Truly this Man was the Son of God.” He could see the hand of God working in Jesus.
MARY: Yes, she was there. Imagine the pain and the agony she went through watching her Son be so horribly treated and crucified.
Then she heard Him say to her… “Behold your Son.” and to John… “Behold your Mother.”
JOHN: Stayed with Jesus through the trial and to the cross.
Were you there? Yes we were all there! Someone there represented you and me. And Jesus represented you and me because He became sin for us, took the punishment for us, and died on the cross for us.