Interest And Investment
Have you ever wondered why people who have many talents never use them for the Lord’s work? We have all seen people who are good teachers, leaders at work, able volunteers in the community or just a lot of help in some secular field, but just will not use those same talents in the church. Why?
Could the answer be that interest is usually determined by what has been invested? If you put nothing in you expect nothing in return. One reason the church of the first century grew so fast was because they invested everything they had in their Christian lives. They invested their time, their money, their talents and themselves. They were fully vested in the Lord’s work.
A mentality that has crippled the church of today is that most think in terms of “my time and the Lord’s time; my money and the Lord’s money; my talents and the Lord’s talents.” Have we forgotten that all we have is the Lord’s? We are only stewards of what He has given to us and are expected to use it all accordingly.
With no investment there is no interest. Many say that worship is dull and meaningless. It is no wonder when we see those who only show up when it is convenient; those who won’t sing; those who won’t pray; those who won’t study God’s word; those who don’t revere the Lord’s Supper; and those who won’t give. Worship then becomes meaningless. Fellowship is a joke. Spirituality is dead and most wonder why?
Faithful Christians will have a vested interest in everything the church does because they have invested themselves and all they have in it. God will not accept the crumbs and the leftovers. If you have invested nothing you can expect nothing in return.
Have we forgotten what God has invested in us? He invested His Son. What have you invested in Him?