Personal Accoutability



     It seems to me that few people today accept responsibility for their own actions.  A few years ago a woman spilled hot coffee on herself and sued the restaurant for serving hot coffee.  She won a big settlement.              Advertisements by lawyers claiming big settlements for clients are seen daily.  No doubt many of those were legitimate claims for liability on the part of someone else.  But I wonder how many claims were made that were as much, if not more, the fault of the one making the claim.  Insurance companies pay out millions just to keep the case out of court.

If our justice system had been in place in Genesis 3, Adam would have sued Eve and Eve would have sued the serpent and both would have won their cases.  The truth is that both Adam and Eve were guilty of                 disobedience and were punished by God.

Christians, above all people, must accept responsibility for their own  actions.  Blame is placed on elders, preachers, church members and the church in general by many people who fail.  But the fact remains that we are all accountable for our own actions.  So then each of us shall give  account of himself to God.”  Romans 14:12  It is past time that each of us take a look in the mirror and recognize our own guilt and accountability.  When we do, we are well on our way to true repentance and forgiveness from God.

It is sad that the church often takes on the irresponsibility of the world.  The greed, pride, arrogance and finger-pointing nature of the world all too often takes root in the Christian. That nature is self-destructive.  Unless it is changed it will result in separation from God.

Remember the words of John in I John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from  all unrighteousness.”


Casey Clement