Is It Too Late?



     In a recent visit with a preacher friend I was told about a lady who  expressed her desire to be baptized into Christ.  Now you might think that this is nothing out of the ordinary as people have been obeying the gospel since the day of Pentecost. So what made this situation something different?

This lady was well into her senior years.  She was raised in a Christian home and had attended the services of the church all her life.  She was very committed to the programs of the church and even helped in some of them, but she had never obeyed the gospel.  Her statement to the    preacher who baptized her was, “I have been attending the church all my life.  I knew years ago what I needed to do to be saved.  I knew that       baptism is what would put me into Christ, but I just did not realized the  importance until now.”  Thankfully, for this fine lady, it wasn’t too late for her to obey the gospel.

Sadly, for many, it was too late.  Why?  Because they died without  committing themselves to Christ and obeying the gospel in baptism.  Sadly too, is the fact that there are still many like the lady above who know what they need to do to be right with God and Christ.  They have been part of the church family all of their life.  They have participated in many activities of the church and consider themselves part of the local church family, but still have not committed themselves to Christ in obedience to the gospel.  Equally as sad is the fact that there are many people who have obeyed the gospel but are not faithful to the Lord and His church.  Is it too late?     Maybe yes.  Maybe no.  It is your choice.

Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”;  whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow.  For what is your life?  It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.  James 4:13-14


Casey Clement