Commitment & Involvement



      Do you consider yourself a committed Christian?  Several years ago when I began working with a new congregation I asked a lady in the church about her husband.  I wanted to know if he was a member of the church or not.  Her answer took me by surprise.  She said, “O yes, he is a very faithful member of the church.” So why was I surprised?  Because I had been there for over a month and I had not seen him at one assembly of the church.  Yes, he was a member, but  he was not faithful. That proved to be true over the years I was with that congregation.

So I ask again, “Do you consider yourself a committed Christian?”   Are you faithful to the church, or do you just consider yourself a member?  Are you involved in the church?  Do you make the church assemblies a priority?  Are you involved in the work and service of he church?  If you are not involved in the assemblies and the work of the church, you are not committed.  Commitment requires involvement.  If not...why not?

We are living in a time where people don’t want to get involved in a lot of things. Volunteerism is at an all time low.  The church has for years struggled to get bible class teachers and other workers to be involved in building up the local church body.  Now that COVID has become a good excuse even less are willing to get involved.

The elders have invited Jonathan Long to come and present three lessons on Commitment and Involvement on February 7th.  Jonathan is loved and respected by all of us here in Ruston.  He was one who was committed and involved in the Lord’s work, and remains so.  We pray that everyone who can will be present for all three of the lessons he will present.  You won’t be disappointed.

Could we say as Paul did in II Timothy 1:12 “… For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have  believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day.”


Jim Davis