Happy Father's Day
And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.
Ephesians 6:4.
What has happened to fatherhood? What has happened to personal responsibility? How many children are floundering in the world with no guidance from a father because he is nowhere to be found?
One of the most important institutions God ever ordained was the family. What has happened to family? There is an organized effort in this country to destroy the family as we have known it for the past 200 years. When fathers are not living up to their God-given duties the family will not survive as God desires. Family is important to God. The bible is filled with instructions to fathers, mothers and children as their respective roles in the home and family.
Someone has defined family this way… A deeply rooted tree with branches of different strengths all receiving nourishment from our Father in heaven. Where character is formed, values are learned, and society is preserved. Where all members contribute a share, cooperate and work, and accept their responsibilities toward the good of the whole family. Where holidays are celebrated with feasting, birthdays are acknowledged with gifts, and thoughts of days gone by are kept alive with fond remembrance. Where each can find solace and comfort in grief, pleasure and laughter in joy; and kindness and encouragement in daily living. A haven of rest, a sanctuary of peace, and most of all a harbor of love. Does that describe your family? And you, fathers, are you doing your part to bring your family closer to God and to each other? If not, why not start today?