You're Building A House


(Borrowed and adapted)


    The story is told of a rich man who wanted to help a  poor carpenter and his family.  He hired the carpenter to build a house on a hillside, and then went away on a long journey.

The carpenter said to himself, “My boss is away and I can use shoddy  materials and neglect the support work that doesn’t show.  The house will be weak but nobody will know it.”  So he built a ramshackle house.

When the rich man came back the carpenter said, “Here is your house all built.”  “Thank you,” said the rich man, “Here is the deed and the key, I am giving it to you.”  And the carpenter grieved that he had robbed himself.

We reap what we sow.  We have to live in the house of life that we build.  If we do shoddy work, if we loiter on the job, we cheat ourselves.  We shrivel up and lose our ability to discern between right and wrong.  We have to live with ourselves.

It is a tremendous fact that each one of us is building the house we must live in tomorrow.  We can build a palace or a mansion—a jail or a pigpen.  But remember we must live in it. 

Jesus gave the parable of the man who built his spiritual house on the rock and one who built his on the sand.  The house built on the rock withstood the trials and storms of life while the one built on the sand fell to destruction.  Matthew 7:24-27





“It is required in stewards that a man be found faithful.”

I Corinthians 4:2


Jim Davis