Red Apple Sunday



     For the past few years we have had a program called Red Apple Adopt a Student.  It is designed to have our children under the mentorship of adult Christians.  Some have been faithful to pray for and mentor their adopted student.  Others have not been so faithful.  Children need the good influence of Christian adults. Next Sunday, October 18, we will kick off our Red Apple Adopt a Student program.  A Pizza Lunch at noon will be followed by paring our children with their adoptive parents.  

Very often people will ask, “What does the church have to offer my children?”  It is a question many parents ask when trying to decide what church they want to become a part of.  The sad truth is that many of those asking such questions do so in regard to fun activities, entertainment opportunities and social events.  While those things can be included in the things the church offers your children, they should not be the most important.

Among the most important things your children should be a part of is their bible class.  Opportunities for learning lessons from the bible are   provided by our teachers who work hard to prepare and present lessons relevant to their age and maturity.  I have never heard a good reason why parents won’t bring their children to bible class.  I have heard more excuses than I can count.

Included in important things your children should be a part of is the fellowship of the church.  Interaction with others in the church is spiritually healthy.  They make friends with other children.  Very often these      friendships blossom into lifelong relationships and marriages.  But they  also make friends with adults.  The Red Apple Adopt a Student program is designed to nurture these kind of relationships for our children.  Their souls depend on it.

May God bless those of you who will sacrifice some of your time to encourage, teach, and mentor our children.


Jim Davis