I have enjoyed presenting lessons to you all over the past several months in the book of Philippians. Today we will conclude our studies in the book, and I wanted to briefly provide some of my favorite lessons that stuck out to me from the Epistle:
1. We have a “Partnership” with the Gospel (Philippians 1:5-6). We have a partnership with Christ in spreading the Gospel to the lost and dying world. When there is a partnership there are expectations and obligations shared between two parties. We know if we are faithful in living and spreading the Gospel, He will save us in the end.
2. Living with a Purpose (Philippians 1:21). Paul said “For me to live is Christ and to die is Gain.” Either way you look at it, there is a great victory in living for Christ or dying in Christ. Paul’s purpose and perspective on life was that no matter the circumstances, his ultimate trust is in God’s plan for his life.
3. Having “the mind of Christ” (Philippians 2:3-8). We see how effortless it can be to have the unity that results in joy when we follow these verses. They can be called the “prerequisites” in having the mind of Christ. Several things we notice about the mind of Christ is that: He lacked selfish ambition (2:6), He looked out for other’s best interest (2:7-8) and lastly, thinking like Him is highly exalted by God (2:9-11). You want to have the mind of Christ? These are the blueprints.
4. Peace that surpasses understanding (Philippians 4:6-7). We’re encouraged to present our requests to God with prayer and thanksgiving. In doing so, God's peace will guard our hearts and minds, even in the most anxious of times. That my friends is truly a blessing.
5. Contentment no matter what (Philippians 4:11-13). This passage is my FAVORITE. No matter what or who Paul was, he found contentment in God. He surrendered his entire life and circumstances to God and in doing so, described this action as the “secret” to being content. He was only able to do this through the strength God gave him (Philippians 4:13).
There are certainly more lessons we could pull from the book, but these are the ones that I have been able to apply to my life and I hope you can as well.
Lets go to heaven together,
Matthew Okolichany