From the desk of Paul Spears
The quality of state of being complete or finished with nothing lack, the highest attainable state of excellence. Absolute perfection! The perfection of God is set before man as an ideal target “Bullseye”, but it cannot be attained in this life. [However, through the grace of God, ‘Jesus Christ, Christians may achieve a state of relative excellence, which is termed perfection, by man.] My friends, relatives, brothers, and sisters in Christ, in all that we do in our struggles through this life, it is not within our power to make ourselves perfect.
I ask you: Are you perfect?
Jesus was born perfect to be our Savior. Matthew 1:18-25.
Jesus remained perfect while being brough up as a child. Luke 2:1-52 (esp. 25-33).
At the age of 12, He realized He was special and began to be about His Father’s business (vs 41-53).
Jesus remained perfect, not needing baptism, but was baptized to fulfill all righteousness. Matthew 3:13-17.
Jesus remained perfect during His weakest moments of temptation after His Baptism by John. Matthew 4:1-11.
Jesus remained perfect while facing His own death by torture of unspeakable agony. Matthew 26:36-46.
Jesus remained perfect even while being put to death. Matthew 27:11-50.
Our Savior, The Perfect example, endured more than we will ever face in temptations and torture, yet without sin!
Now, You can be PERFECT in Him! He asks very little from us; why do you NOT DO what He asks?
Definitions of Perfect from Layman’s Bible Encyclopedia:
1. Complete in every way, having no faults or errors,
2. being as good as is possible; most excellent,
3. correct or accurate; exact,
4. absolute or complete,
5. showing something to be complete at a particular time or a particular tense in speech.