Being a part of the Body
“Being a part of the body, not apart.”
The human body is made up of a number of unique and intricate systems of organs and structures that allows us to function and thrive in our everyday life. God knew exactly what He was doing when He formed the human body from the dust of the ground. Similarly, He designed the church to function the same way. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 about the similarities of the human body and the body of Christ. The first point that Paul brings up is that though there are many parts to the body, we are all made to be one body in Christ. Those members, though unique to a specific function, play a role in the functioning of the entire body. In my observations of the Church at Ruston, we have great bible class teachers, prayer leaders, song leaders, singers, encouragers, Shepherds, servants, workers and fantastic chefs! We are immensely blessed with members that all bring something to the body that makes it all work together with what God intended the church to be. Secondly, Paul mentions that regardless of the role that a member may play, they are absolutely necessary and that their value is indispensable. Just because we are blessed with a variety of different talents and abilities does not mean we are of any more or any less value to the body. Just like the body has many members that work together for a purpose, we are all designed to function together to the purpose of helping each other get to heaven! Lastly, Paul points out that when one or multiple parts of the body is not operating correctly, the body suffers. God designed the human body to work together like a complex well-oiled machine and when one system is not operating correctly, it suffers. The human body is designed to heal itself, even more so if you give the body everything it needs (exercise, nutrition, etc.). Be the member that is ready to heal and help the body. After all, the body is not designed to hurt and sever itself from other members of the body. Let’s have the spirit of oneness that Paul encouraged Christians at Corinth to have in 1 Corinthians 1:10-13.
Beloved, let’s all examine ourselves to make sure we are a member that is functioning properly and helping the body of Christ. Whether that is making sure we are getting the adequate nutrition from God’s word that we need or are actively helping other members of the body. Do not be the member that hinders or hurts the body from accomplishing its overall mission…
Let’s go there together,
Matthew Okolichany