Law is Good

Law is Good


On August 9, 1974, President Richard Nixon become the only president to ever resign from the highest office in the land. Of course, it is common knowledge that he was fleeing an impending impeachment for covering up the “Watergate” scandal. That moment is a landmark, not just for the significance of Nixon’s action, but as a historical marker for the beginning of the following erosion in the trust of American political institutions.

If our leaders would trespass to steal documents, and use the authority of the tax funded agencies to cover up their misdeeds, where else were they abusing their power? Since the Freedom of Information and Patriot acts forced the release of many documents, it turns out the answer is quite a lot! The fruit of these misdeeds can be seen in our current situations today. The past month has had a few headlines:

· Former President Donald Trump indictments

· Current President Joe Biden’s impeachment

· A Congressional testimony claiming UFOs’/Aliens

· Russia and Ukraine are still in a major conflict

· Sean Payton is coaching for a team that is not the Saints

Is it bad that the last one concerns most more than all the others combined? Isn’t it a sign of how unstable and unreliable our world has become, that “Earth-shattering” tragedies have become normal. I don’t think so. The world hasn’t become bad, it just seems that we are having the curtain pulled back and starting to understand this life for what it is: fallen.

God never intended for us to find our comfort in any society on this Earth, even America. Our eyes are just starting to see through the guise of what Satan has been working forever.

You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.”

-Augustine of Hippo


Jonathan Long