Buried With Christ

Buried With Christ


Buried with Christ and raised with Him too,
  What is there left for me to do?
Simply to cease from struggling and strife,
  Simply to walk in newness of life.

Buried with Christ and dead unto sin;
  Dying but living, Jesus within;
Ruling and reigning day after day,
  Guiding and keeping all of the way.

Risen with Christ my glorious Head,
  Holiness now the pathway I tread;
Beautiful thought from walking therein,
  He that is dead is freed from all sin.

Living with Christ, who dieth no more,
  Following Christ, who goeth before;
Not under law, I’m now under grace,
  Sin is dethroned, and Christ takes its place.
  —Thomas Ryder (19th century)

I’m sure the opening verse of this song  presents a challenge to many believers. Can a Christian walk really be that easy? Cease struggling and start walking? No, it is that simple, but simple and easy are not the same thing. It’s like raising kids, the principles are simple, don’t allow them to do the things you don’t want them to do and encourage and reward them toward the things you do. That sounds simple enough, but any parent knows, that parenting is in no way an easy task.

I believe the difficulties I face in this life are a result of trying to accomplish too much. I want to obey and follow God, but I also want to milk this physical world for all it has to offer. I find a relief from struggling and strife, when I cease to be consumed by temporary pursuits. I find life becomes simpler, when I leave that old life behind and start a life that is truly new.


I love you


Jonathan Long