Joseph-A Type of Christ

Joseph– A Type of Christ

Sometimes people ask why there is a “difference” between the God of the Old Testament and the New. Others ask the important question what was Christ doing during the Old Testament period? Modern Jews might challenge that Christianity is rooted in fictional stories told about a man named Jesus but that he has no real link to the “true” religion of Judaism found in the Old Testament.

More than a few times, God used characters and events in history to reveal something, we call these types. A type is a historical fact that illustrates or represents a spiritual truth. God through his sovereign working used Joseph to paint a picture of several qualities of his coming son. Although the following is not an exhaustive list, it highlights several ways that God used the life of Joseph to reveal his Son.

·         Both are first-born.         (Gen. 30:22-24 (of Rachel), Mt. 1:25 (of Mary))

·         Both are shepherds.       (Gen. 37:2, Mt. 2:26, 26:31 Jn. 10:11)

·         Brothers were jealous and did not believe them (Gen. 37:4-5, 11 Jn. 7:3-5, 15:18-19)

·         Both were sold by one of the 12 named Judah (Greek ‘Judas’)     (Gen. 37:26-2, Mt. 26:15, 27:9)

·         Both “Killed”, Later Raised to Power        (Gen. 37:18-28, Acts 2:22-23)

·         All knees bowed to Joseph. (Gen. 41:43)

·         All knees will bow to Jesus. (Phil. 2:10)

·         Joseph began working for Pharoah at 30 (Gen. 41:46)

·         Christ’s Ministry began at 30 (Lk. 3:23)

·         Relationship with King allow brothers to share status/access (Gen. 45:16-20, Eph. 2:4-8)

God wants us to know his son and continually gives us opportunities to see him.

I love You




Jonathan Long