Four Great Mysteries

Four Great Mysteries

Written by Dan Williams

Franklin, Tennessee



Genesis 4:17   After the Bible describes the punishment imposed on Cain for his brother’s murder, it mentions Cain’s wife. 


Where did she come from?


Luke 7:15   When Jesus happened upon the funeral of a young man (the only son of a widow), his heart went out to the woman. The gospel says after the Lord brought the corpse back to life, the young man sat up and began to talk. 


What did he say?


John 8:6    Christ was once confronted by a group of Pharisees who had in their custody a woman caught in adultery. They demanded that Jesus determine her punishment, hoping thereby to trap him. Instead of promptly answering them, Jesus stooped down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 


What did he write?


Matthew 28:20   When our Lord gave his Great Commission to “make disciples of all nations,” it included an educational mandate: “teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” An essential element of discipleship is studying God’s Word to fortify our faith, build our character, and guide our life.  There are many good books that can be studied, but the Bible has rightly earned the title of “The Good Book,” because unlike all other books it is inspired by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21, 2 Timothy 3:16) and it is used by the Spirit to convict, convert, correct and complete us. Some Christians, however, never pursue personal Bible study or participate in the teaching programs of their church. 


Why don’t they?


Jonathan Long