Real Joy

Real Joy


What is Christmas without Jesus Christ?
It's a holiday full of stuff.
Money and stress, teaching kids greed,
Some people are saying "Enough!"

"Love one another," our Savior said.
It's all about love, not things.
Let's teach our children to serve, and create
The real joy the true Christmas brings


Joanna Fuchs


You will be hard pressed to find an individual whose favorite holiday is not Christmas, even among non-religious and atheist individuals. The month of December seems to shine brighter with smiling faces and hospitality. As the   author above notes, it does seem like for many the holiday has begun to get out of hand. Even among ‘Christians’ Christ has been used for an opportunity to serve our desires in a way that does not put him first.


This Christmas holiday, every individual is going to be faced with a polarizing choice. A choice which will truly highlight why they celebrate this season. With Christmas day falling on the Lord’s Day, we will have an opportunity to show the world and our God that we celebrate the Savior first and our own lives second.


God is going to be glorified by his people in worship on December 25. We will be worshipping him here at 10:30 and my prayer is that your heart is inclined to worship God that day with the saints wherever you may be.


I love you





Jonathan Long