After It's Kind

After It’s Kind


God’s creation is absolutely perfect and a marvel to behold (or even contemplate).  In the Creation week, God created all things full-grown and mature, with the ability to “bring forth” even more, each one “according to its kind” (Gen. 1:11-12).  The grass would bring forth grass “according to its kind,” the herb would bring forth herbs “according to its kind,” the fruit tree would bring forth fruit “according to is kind.”  A peach tree would never yield bananas, but it would always yield peaches and more peach trees.  That’s the way God designed it.


When God established His creation in the beginning, He placed within each living organism the “seed in itself” to produce more of the same by multiplied hundreds, thousands and millions.  Within the “fruit tree,” He placed the seed to reproduce that specific type of “fruit” and yield more of that specific type of “fruit tree.”   Adam Clarke wrote that the elm tree produces 1.584 billion seeds, and each of those seeds has the power within itself to produce that same number of seeds again.   But, no matter how many trees come forth from that seed in the elm tree, it always produces an elm tree (without fail).  The seed of an elm tree never produces a palm tree, a hibiscus plant, a rose bush or a litter of hamsters.  It only knows how to produce one thing—whatever God designed it to produce!


So, what application (other than the intricate design of the great Designer) does this concept have for us today?  Whatever God does, whatever God creates, is absolutely perfect and a marvel to behold.  In Acts 2, God established on this earth His church—perfect and beautiful.  From its beginning, He placed within His living church the “seed in itself” to produce more of the same by multiplied hundreds, thousands and millions.  He gave to His church the seed that would reproduce His church (anywhere and anytime) with the exact specifications that He placed within His “original.”


In the parable of the soils, Jesus specified the seed which God was using to build His church—”The seed is the word of God” (Lk. 8:11).  Peter reminded Christians they had been “born again” (given new life) of “incorruptible [seed], through the word of God which lives and abides forever” (1 Pet. 1:23).  As with every other seed that God created, no matter how much fruit His word produces, it always produces the same fruit.  From its beginning, the church has had and has used the word of God to reproduce itself.  God’s seed yields Christians.  God’s seed yields His church.  His seed never produces a denominational church or a “hyphenated-Christian,” for He empowered His seed to only reproduce “according to its kind”!  It only knows how to produce one thing—whatever God designed it to produce!  Any other “production” is not of God’s seed but is a man-made counterfeit!  One seed—one church!


Originally written by David Sproule, August 2, 2013.


Jonathan Long