Plant my Feet

Plant my Feet

“Lord, lift me up, and let me stand
By faith on Canaan’s tableland;
A higher plane than I have found,
  Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.”


Sometimes life feels unstable and uncooperative, more than just sometimes, actually. There may be stretches we go through where it feels that no stability can be found, no clear course of action is evident. I suppose that is, in part, due to the fact that God’s people were never intended to find a full satisfaction of comfort in this world. Ecclesiastes 3:11 states that God has “put eternity in their hearts” meaning that there is a desire inside each of us that nothing  of this world can ever fulfill.


The struggles and anxieties of this world serve as a reminder that Jesus went “to prepare a place for” us (John 14:1-4) and his desire is for us to be with him in the renewed world of Heaven. Knowing this, we still find ourselves falling into the folly of trying to create a comfortable paradise for ourselves on this Earth; then throwing ourselves into despair when it falls shorts of the expectations we hoped it would fill.


In the hymn Higher Ground, Johnson Oatman Jr. wrote:

“My heart has not desire to stay,

Where doubts arise and fears dismay”


We would do well to daily recognize that God never intended for us to find fulfillment of joy in the things of this world. Surely we can find some joy, but ultimately we will find our feet slipping on unstable ground until we find feet planted on “Higher Ground”.


I love you,

Jonathan Long


Jonathan Long