A Hill With Three Crosses



      As you travel down Interstate 77 through West Virginia, Virginia and North Carolina, you cannot help but notice the message of the three silent crosses.  The message of the cross sounds out loud and clear… “Jesus died to save you from your sins.”

The silent crosses you can see all across the country are a reminder of a sermon by Myron J. Taylor titled, “A Hill With Three Crosses.”  He said that one cross portrays a thief dying IN sin, and the other thief dying TO sin.  But the center cross speaks of the redeemer dying FOR sin.  It divides all humanity into one of two categories—those who reject Christ and die IN sin, and those who receive Christ and can die TO sin.


I Corinthians 1:18  “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”


The following true story is told of an event that happened in a Christian school.  “A kindergarten teacher was determining how much bible knowledge her students had.  While talking with one little boy, to whom the story of Jesus was obviously brand new, she began relating His death on the cross.  When asked what a cross was, she picked up some sticks, and fashioning a crude one, she explained that Jesus was actually nailed to that cross, and then he died.  The little boy with eyes down cast quietly said, ‘Oh, that’s too bad.’  In the very next breath, however, the teacher related that He arose again and that He came back to life.  The little boy’s eyes got big as saucers.  He lit up and exclaimed, ‘Totally awesome!’”

You don’t know the full identity of Jesus if your response is ‘Oh, that’s too bad.’  You know His identity only if your response is, ‘Totally awesome.’

One of two crosses represents you and me.  The one who dies IN sin or the one who dies TO sin.  Reject the one who died FOR sin and you will be the one who dies IN sin.


Jim Davis