What Can We Do ?
So much of the news we have been hearing lately has not been so good. Often the news is negative. We are told what we cannot do, where we cannot go, and who we cannot spend time with. That begs the question… WHAT CAN WE DO?
I have a few suggestions in addition to the usual instructions such as wash your hands and social distancing.
1. While you are washing your hands say a prayer. We have many on the prayer list, and especially for the pandemic in the world. And pray for our elders as they struggle with decisions they need to make for the good of the congregation.
2. Send cards of encouragement to the elderly, sick, and bereaved, and those in the nursing homes. Give someone a call that needs a lift or your comforting words of encouragement.
3. Read your bible. If you have not picked up one of the daily bible reading schedules we still have several available. If you need one call and we will mail you one.
4. Be courteous. Many people are in panic mode and are very rude and selfish in the supermarkets and other places. As Christians we should all remember the words of Jesus… You have heard that it was said, “You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy,” But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you. Matthew 5:43-44.
5. Don’t panic and get so worried that it affects your physical health or your spiritual health. Trust in the Lord to see us through.