When are you going to do it?

Are you one who talks about things you should do, but never seem to get around to doing them?  We all have things on our “bucket list” that we would like to do or places we would like to go, but in reality we know these are only dreams and wishes.  But what about the things that we know we should do but never seem to get up the courage, the will power, or the faith to do them?  When will we do those things?

If you have been telling yourself that someday you are going to obey the gospel and be baptized into Jesus Christ, when are you going to do it?

If you have been telling yourself that you are going to be faithful to the assemblies of the church, when are you going to start?

If you have been telling yourself that someday you are going to visit the sick, shut-ins and nursing homes, when do you plan to get involved?

If you have been telling yourself that someday you are going to learn how to teach someone the gospel and become a soul winner for the Lord, when will you begin?

If you have been telling yourself that you are going to bring your children to bible class and help them become faithful children of God, when will you say, “We are going today?”

Remember Governor Felix?  Paul reasoned with him about righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come, but Felix was afraid and answered, “Go away for now; when I have a convenient time I will call for you.”  In two years he never had the convenient time.  Acts 24:25-27.

Procrastination is the devil’s number one tool to keep people from doing what they should do.  While we may have good intentions to do what we should, Satan just says, “Wait!”  But if you will just listen, you may hear the Lord ask, “When?”

From the Desk of Jim Davis

Casey Clement