Happy New Year

  Welcome to 2017.  I don't know about you, but I like new things.  There is just something special about things that are new.  Now that we have a brand new year to work with, what are we going to do with it?  I would like to make a few suggestions as to how to make 2017 as good a year as possible for each of us.  If we would all make a special effort to set some priorities in our lives it would make life better for ourselves and those around us.

     First, make sure you take time for God.  There is nothing you can do for your family that is more important than taking time to worship, study the bible and pray.  It all begins with the first day of every week when the church gathers for bible study and worship.  It continues each day as we mediatate on the word of God and pray.

     Second, make sure you stay healthy.  Many of the New Year's resolutions are bout losing weight, starting an exercise program, or developing better eathing habits.  All of the above are important to our health.  We need to remember that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.  God has given us a body to be used for good.  Take care of it.

     Third, work hard at your job or in school.  Take pride in your work and you will be rewarded for your efforts.  God does not honor laziness and slothfulness.  Remember that Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, if a man will not work, neither should he eat.  II Thessalonians 3:10

     Forth, treat people right.  Our world could use a lot more kindness.  There is too much griping, grumbling, and harsh words directed at others.  Christians are taught to be kind to one another.  Be positive, cheerful, and optimistic.  For the faithful Christian, things will some day be much better.

Casey Clement